البريد الإسلامي

الخميس، 16 ديسمبر 2010

مشاهد التطبير والدماء في الشرقية+سياسة التعليم في السعودية ترد على قرار نائبة وزير التربية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المادة155 من سياسة التعليم في المملكة العربية السعودية ( يمنع الاختلاط بين البنين والبنات في جميع مراحل التعليم إلا في درو الحضانة ورياض الطفال )

وقرار نائبة وزير التعليم مخالف لسياسة من سياسات الدولة وهي سياسة لتعليم - التي تم اعتمادها بقرار مجلسي الوزارء الموقر رقم 779 في 17/9/1389 - الذي يجب على وزارة التربية والتعليم ان تتقيد بها فلها وضعت هذه السياسة أولا لتضبط قرارتها وخطواتها .

وقرار دراسة الطلاب في الصفوف الثلاثة الول من المرحلة الابتدائية في مدارس البنات إذا ترك ليبقى فله ما بعده من تعميم هذا القرار على جميع مدارس البنات الأهلية والحكومية ، ثم الخطوة التالية أن تصبح المرحلة الابتدائية مختلطة بالكامل حتى الصف السادس ثم المتوسطة ثم الثانوية وهكذا ،،
وهو قرار لا يخدم الطلاب ولا يخدم خصائص الرجولة التي يجب أن تنمى ، حيث يجب - كما هو معمول به في بلادنا منذ تأسيسها - ان يدرس الطالب الذكر في وسط مذكر حتى لا تشوبه صفات الأنوثة ، وفي تاريخنا وحضارتنا الإسلامية وعبر ألف وأربع مائة سنة كان الولد يصحب أباه ويشهد مجالس الرجال حتى يشب رجلا ، بينما تكون الفتاة مع امها حتى تصبح امراة ناضجة غير مسترجلة تخدم دينها ومجتمعها وامتها ، ولا شك ان دراسة الطفل في وسط نسائي حتى التاسعة خطر على خصائصة الرجولية ، وطريق للتشبه الذي لعن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صاحبه سواء كان رجلا أو امرأة ،
ولذا فالأمر لم يسحم ابدا ، بل الحسم في إلغاء القرار وسيلغى إن شاء الله من قبل ولاة الأمر وفقهم الله لكل خير .

علي التمني

الحمد لله الذي عافانا مما ابتلاهم به، وفضلنا على كثير ممن خلق وجعل تفضيلاً

صور نشرتها وكالات الأنباء العالمية
للشيعة في القطيف يوم الخميس 10 - 1- 1432

عاشوراء هو اليوم العاشر من شهر محرم في التقويم الهجري ويسمى عند المسلمين بيوم عاشوراء

هو اليوم الذي قتل فيه الحسين بن علي حفيدالنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في معركة كربلاء يعتبرهالشيعة الإمامية يوم عزاء وحزن

ويعتقد أهل السنة والجماعة أن هذا اليوم هو اليوم الذي نجى الله فيه موسى وقومه من آل فرعون،

ويعتقدون بأن نبي الله موسىصام ذلك اليوم للاعراب عن الامتنان لله لتحرير قومه من سيطرة فرعون واتباعه.

وقد صامه نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وحث على صيامه وصيام يوم قبله أو بعده مخالفة لليهود الذين يصومونه فنحن المسلمين أحق منهم بإتباع نبي الله موسى عليه السلام،

ويقارن ذلك ب(يوم كيبور) في التراث اليهودي
في بعض الدول مثل إيران، باكستان، لبنان، البحرين، الهند، العراق، ترينيداد وتوباغو، وجامايكا تعد يوم عاشوراء عطلة رسمية


Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers beat themselves with iron chains during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers beat themselves with iron chains during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

A Saudi Shi'ite Muslim boy beats himself with iron chains during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

A Saudi Shi'ite Muslim girl takes part in the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim boys beat themselves with iron chains during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

A Saudi Shi'ite Muslim girl beats herself with iron chains during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 15, 2010. Ashura, the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, which commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

Saudi Shi'ite Muslim worshippers take part during the Ashura festival in Qatif December 16, 2010. Shi'ite mourners beat themselves during Ashura with steel-tipped flails or slash their bodies with knives to mark the death anniversary of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, who was killed during a battle in A.D. 680 in Kerbala, a city in modern-day Iraq.

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